Last year Collingwood School confirmed that they are no longer going to be running a rowing program. Collingwood used to sub-lease space in our boathouse for their rowing shells. We have been using and insuring their shells for the last few years while they determined the fate of the rowing program. Late last year they notified us that they were going to try to sell their three newest shells: the Collingwood single, the double Frost and the coxed quad Wright. We have been using these shells on a daily basis. Collingwood School has offered the club first right of refusal to purchase them for $17,500. This is a good price on the used rowing shell market. The club has been offered several older boats at no cost as they would be difficult to sell.

We have launched a fundraising campaign to raise money to pay for the three shells. You can donate via credit card through the BC Amateur Sport Fund. A donation of $20 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.

The BC Sport Association has partnered with the BC Amateur Sport Fund to raise funds to benefit our club's capital equipment campaign. The BC Amateur Sport Fund is the BC chapter of the Canadian Council of Provincial & Territorial Sport Federations, a Registered Canadian Amateur Athletics Association with charitable status.

If you would rather donate using a cheque or donate securities, please contact me and I'll get you the details.

If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like more information, please email me (Wendy Moore, club president) at All donations will be kept confidential, unless you wish it otherwise.


Wendy Moore, president DCRC

On behalf of the DCRC Board of Directors