The North Shore Youth Invitational Regatta offers sprint racing on a 500 metre course to novice and experienced junior rowers. The regatta is the finale of the Deep Cove Rowing Club's fall season for juniors. Participation by junior rowers from other clubs is welcome and encouraged. Rowers race in one of three categories:

  • novice
  • intermediate
  • experienced

Novice rowers are those who started rowing within the last year and have little if any racing experience. Intermediate rowers are those who have racing experience at local regattas. Experienced rowers are those who have raced at higher level regattas such as Brentwood.


Races are conducted on a 500 metre course offshore from Panorama Park. The course is not buoyed. There is room to race 4 or 5 boats abreast.


Races are held for single, double and quad sculls. At the present time, there are no sweep races. Races are held for male and female crews. There are no races for mixed crews.

There is no handicapping. Instead, each race is dedicated to one of the three categories of rower: novice, intermediate or experienced.

Quads participating in novice and intermediate races are coxed. Quads participating in experienced races are not coxed.

Races are conducted under the Rowing Canada rules of racing. Rowing Canada umpires will officiate if there are three or more visitor clubs participating.


Invitations to participate in the North Shore Youth Invitational regatta are emailed out to rowing clubs that have participated in the past. The email will include information on how to register boats and rowers. If your club has not participated in the past, send an email to our head coach Colin Gray at to enquire about registering. Please submit all registrations before the advertised cutoff date.

Canadian rowers must be registered with Rowing Canada.

The fee for visitors is $40 per rower.

This regatta is fairly casual. If you are short a few rowers, talk to Colin. He may be able to help you fill out a crew.


Visiting rowing clubs normally bring their own equipment. There is room to park boat trailers in the Panorama Park parking lot. Please let our head coach Colin Gray know if you are planning to bring a trailer.

If your rowing club is planning to attend this regatta, but you only have a few rowers and/or you are travelling some distance, talk to Colin. He may be able to loan you some equipment.


The regatta is held at Panorama Park in Deep Cove. There is lots of room for family and friends to watch the racing. Rowers race directly towards the park. The finish line is just offshore.

There is lots of room to set up canopies. As the weather for this regatta is often rainy and/or cold, please be prepared for inclement weather.

The regatta is held in the morning. We are usually finished by early afternoon. There are lots of cafes and restaurants nearby. There are washrooms with showers in the park.

A first aid service will be present in case of an injury.


Click above to access detailed weather including an hourly forecast.


Regattas are only possible due to the efforts of numerous volunteers. If you have some spare time, we would appreciate your help. We will provide any necessary training. Sign up on the North Shore Youth Invitational Signup Genius page.

North Shore Youth Invitational @ Signup Genius